Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Change of Lifestyle – Part 4


It had been nine months since my last visit to the cardiologist. I knew the routine, blood sample at the lab a couple of days before and then the appointment. At the appointment the nurse would check my blood pressure (BP), my pulse and ask about changes in any meds I was taking. Then she would give me a copy of the lab report and leave. I would then sit and wait for the doc while reviewing the lab report.

My glucose level was elevated beyond where it normally was and put me above the recommended limit. The cholesterol level was still high. I knew the doctor would want to put me back on cholesterol medicine but I was dead set against it.

The doctor finally came in, took my BP and asked the normal questions about how I was doing, had I noticed any changes in my BP or experienced any dizziness or double vision, etc. I explained to him that I was feeling good and no, I hadn’t experienced anything unusual. He reviewed the lab results and said he wanted me to start taking the high cholesterol med again.

I was ready for him and told him no. He said it was that or I had to make a lifestyle change. I didn’t hesitate. I knew what it meant and I was prepared to give it a go. It meant a diet, exercise, and watching what I ate and how much I ate. The doc told me he would give me three months and then he wanted to see me again. I agreed and headed home. I didn’t know if I could do the changes that needed done or not. I did know that I did not want any more drugs, whether they were safe or not.

On August 8th I set out to change my diet and to start exercising. I cut out all high cholesterol foods and red meat I limited to about twice a week. I replaced the snacks I was eating at work with carrots, radishes, angel food cake with fresh berries. Oatmeal for breakfast most everyday. I watched what I ate and added high fiber foods to my diet. I was bound and determined to make my cholesterol level get into the range that it should be.

I was dieting, using the Wii fit and walking 2 miles per day. On October 1st I had lost 20 pounds in a little less than 2 months. I knew when I went back to the doctor the first of November there would be a noticeable difference in my cholesterol numbers. My wife and I were sitting on the back porch, having our morning coffee and a smoke. The next thing I knew something very strange was going on. I felt unusual….

(To Be Continued)


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