Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Change of Lifestyle – Part 3


The week of July 27th started with a trip to the lab for a blood workup. The one the heart doctors use to check your cholesterol, diabetes, kidneys, etc. Then it was on to the doctors’ later in the week. He did a complete heart examine in his office. The EKG didn’t show anything except that my heart was normal. X-Rays of my chest and lungs which didn’t show anything either. Then the stress test.

The stress test is where they hook you up to the EKG computer and put you through the paces on a tread mill. They start you off slowly walking and take your blood pressure while the computer records you heart rate and plots the heart rhythm. You climb on and the doctor explains that they will start slow and then at intervals they will increase the speed and raise the incline. This is done to work your heart, increase your heart rate and raise your blood pressure. They explain that if you need to you can jog and at any point it gets uncomfortable to let them know and they’ll end the test.

So, I climb on the treadmill and off we go. I am somewhat obstinent and always enjoy a challenge. I was determined I was going to outlast the doctor and whatever he could dish out on his treadmill. The pace got quicker and quicker. The incline got steeper and steeper. I kept on the treadmill, matching my pace with whatever the doctor dished out. He kept asking if I was ok and I kept responding yes. My pulse kept increasing, 70, 80, 90…, 150, 160, 170… My blood pressure kept climbing, 150, 160, 170…. 200, 210…. Finally the doc started slowing the pace down and lowering the incline. I had maxed his test. I took all he could dish out and never once broke into a jog. I have always been a fast walker and that day was no exception.

After all the test I was told my heart was normal. The doc explained that the double vision I had experienced was probably an ocular migraine. He put me on blood pressure meds and told me to come back in three months. In three months he wanted more blood work and a follow-up.

At the follow-up he said my cholesterol was too high. Overall it was 204. That is just over the limit of 200 and would be considered borderline. My bad cholesterol was 156 which was extremely high. I agreed to go on the cholesterol meds. He told me if I experienced any of the side effects to quit taking it and just go back to the blood pressure med.

Three weeks after starting the cholesterol meds I quit taking them. My lower legs were cramping so bad that they kept me awake at night and hurt all day long. I continued the way I had before, with the addition of the  blood pressure meds, until August 2nd, 2010.

(To Be Continued)


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