Monday, October 11, 2010

A Change of Lifestyle – Part 2


On July 22, 2009 I was at work, sitting in my cube and typing away on an application. My mind was far from work however. It was preparing for the trip my wife and I were to take the next morning. We were headed off to Ocean Shores on the Harley for the Sun and Surf Rally. Little did I know my plans were about to change.

About 1:30 in the afternoon I became aware that  my vision was becoming blurry. No big deal, it happens when you stare at a computer monitor for 9+ hours a day. I just needed to get up and stretch a bit and clear my mind. I headed out across the parking lot to the unofficial smoking area. As I went I kept one eye closed in order to keep only one image in my field of vision and thus could keep my bearings.

I got across the parking lot, sat down and lit a smoke. I looked out at the street and I was seeing 2 of every vehicle traveling down the street, one over the top of the other. There was also at least enough room between the two images to drive another vehicle between them. I had experience double vision before, but it was always kinda two images side by side. Generally the two images were kinda over-lapping, like when you force yourself to look cross-eyed. Ok, so this was weird and scary. I finished my smoke and headed back to the building.

I stopped and set down at a picnic table outside the building. I was still seeing double and about 20 to 30 minutes as transpired. I was getting real uneasy. I knew I should call someone but I also knew that would probably mean a trip to the ER. I also knew it would mean that the trip the next day would be off.

Finally, after about 45 minutes I called my wife and told her what was going on. She tried to get me to call my sister, mother-in-law or a ambulance and go into the ER. I was having none of that, I would be fine. After about an hour and half my vision was back to normal. I rode the bike home that evening and was fine. My wife saw it differently however and she put the kibosh on the trip the next morning. She also called her heart doctor and made me an appointment.

(To Be Continued…)


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