Wednesday, November 22, 2006

New Directions…

October brought a slow down in riding as the weather was starting to get cool. I was in the second month of Alpha at Church and enjoying all the new knowledge and insight into God’s Word. Just the tip of the iceberg I would later find out, but not until I was ready.

In October I attended my first CMA meeting with a couple of others from church. We sat and chatted and learned a little more about CMA. This was going to be great. I was sure my wife wouldn’t object to me riding and hanging around a bunch of Christians. Seemed too good, what I was looking for and something I was sure my wife wouldn’t object to.

At that first meeting I picked up an application, filled it out and sent it in. The next week-end a couple of us from Church went on a benefit ride that CMA putting on. It was a little cool, but a great ride.

Through November and into December I continued on with Alpha at Church. Made some new friends in our Alpha group, however none of them rode. I also attended the CMA First Tuesday meetings in both November and December. These meetings were a time of fellowship and eating ice cream, seeing as they were held at Dairy Queen the first Tuesday of each month. It was really good to be back in fellowship with other Christians and back in God’s Word learning again. Then something started happening in my life. All of a sudden in mid December I started struggling with everything I was doing, both at Church and with CMA. By the time Christmas arrived as was really depressed. This wasn’t that Holiday depression some complain about. I was really struggling with where I was in life. I was ready to………


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